
30.05, 1.06

LIV company | OUVRAGE | work in progress

LIV company | OUVRAGE | work in progress


Het vrouwelijke LIV gezelschap las Bergman’s script Cries and Whispers, waarin drie vrouwen hun stervende zus begeleiden, en Mishima’s Madame de Sade, waarin zes vrouwen in een salon te Parijs wachten op de terugkeer van Marquis de Sade. Ze vonden vele echo’s tussen de twee teksten en besloten deze te verweven in één theaterstuk. Bergman, Mishima en Sade zijn drie mannelijke auteurs en de actrices stellen het door hun gecreëerde beeld over vrouwen in vraag. Hiervoor bewegen ze zich vrij tussen belichaming en onthechting, tussen regels en regie aanwijzingen, tussen narratieve monologen en scenes.

door en met Pauline Moulène, Ruth Vega Fernandez, Alma Palacios | artistieke medewerker Georgia Scalliets | decor en licht ontwerp  Thomas Walgrave



Following the productions with Frank Vercruyssen (tg STAN) of Scenes from a Marriage, After the Rehearsal and Fraulein Else, Ruth Vega Fernandez, Georgia Scalliet and Alma Palacios had the desire to continue working together. With Pauline Moulène, they founded the LIV company and began to work on their first piece. Ouvrage will be created in november 2017 at the Théâtre de la Bastille, Paris.

The script of Bergman’s Cries and Whispers caught our eye. The film shows three women assisting their dying sister. While researching Cries and Whispers, we also discovered Mishima’s Madame de Sade, a play Bergman staged at Dramaten in 1989. Gathered in a Parisian salon, six women wait for the return of the Marquis de Sade. Finding a lot of echoes between the two texts, we decided to work on weaving them together.  Bergman, Mishima and Sade are all male authors, acknowledged figures who write about women. As actresses, we want to take on their writings and establish a dialogue with them from our own point of view. We want to seize and question the image of women described by these three men. In order to achieve that, we will move freely between embodiment and disembodiment, between lines and stage directions, between narrative monologues and scenes

  • 30.05.17

    -  20u30
  • 01.06.17

    -  20u30